Hey, I'm Anirudh Mitra.

Welcome to my blog! I like to showcase myself as a mix of Software Developer, Open-Source Contributor and Student. I enjoy finding interesting things and love making stories out of them. You can check out some of my Projects and Blog Posts.
Also, I work as an Applications Developer @ Oracle.

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    TypeScript, Microsoft's powerful JavaScript superset, revolutionizes web development by adding optional static typing. It improves code quality, catches errors early, and boosts productivity. Key features include interfaces, generics, and seamless integration with React and Node.js. Used by tech giants like Google and Airbnb, TypeScript is shaping the future of JavaScript development. Whether you're a beginner or expert, TypeScript offers valuable tools for writing robust, scalable code.
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    This article explored different methods to detect when a component is fully rendered in an Angular application. We discussed using Angular's lifecycle hooks, the testability API whenStable(), zone.js, router navigation, and the Mutation Observer API.